A downloadable game for Windows

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I've been playing games made by OUTFIT7 for as long as I can remember. I love Talking Tom Cat, Talking Tom Gold Run, and My Talking Tom. They're so much fun, and they always make me laugh.

One day, I was browsing the App Store when I came across a game called Ask Alfred! It was made by a developer named CLOUDGame, and it was new. I had never heard of it before, but I was intrigued.

The description said that Ask Alfred! was a game where you could ask Alfred, a wise old owl, any question you wanted. He would answer you honestly, no matter how difficult or strange the question was.

I decided to download the game and give it a try. I opened it up and saw a screen with a picture of Alfred on it.

"Say something to Alfred!" the text at the top of the screen said.

I typed in a simple greeting: "Hello!"

Alfred smiled. "Hello, Jake," he said. "How can I help you today?"

I asked him a couple of more questions, like "Can you tell me a joke?" and "What is the best food in the world?" Alfred answered all of my questions patiently and thoughtfully.

I was starting to have fun, so I decided to ask him a more challenging question: "What is the meaning of life?"

Alfred thought for a moment, then replied: "The meaning of life is to find your own happiness."

I was impressed. Alfred had given me a thoughtful and meaningful answer. I decided to ask him one last question:

"What is the scariest thing in the world?"

Alfred's eyes widened. "The scariest thing in the world is the unknown," he said. "It is the fear of what we do not understand, and what we cannot control."

I felt a chill run down my spine. Alfred was right. The unknown was indeed the scariest thing in the world.

I closed the game and put my phone away. I felt uneasy, but I couldn't shake the feeling that Alfred was telling me the truth.

That night, I had a nightmare. I was in a dark forest, and I was lost. I could hear strange noises all around me. I tried to run, but my legs wouldn't move.

Suddenly, I saw a light in the distance. I ran towards it, and I found myself in a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a large tree, and sitting on a branch was Alfred.

Alfred was smiling at me, but his smile was cold and evil. "I have your soul," he said.

I woke up with a scream. I was sweating and my heart was racing. I looked around my room, and I realized that I was safe. It was just a dream.

But then I remembered what Alfred had said: "The scariest thing in the world is the unknown."

I felt a chill run down my spine. I realized that the game Ask Alfred! wasn't just a game. It was something more. Something evil.

I decided to delete the game, but before I could, my phone froze. The screen went black, and then a message appeared:


I tried to update the game, but the App Store said that there were no updates available.

I was starting to get scared. I tried to restart my phone, but it wouldn't turn on.

I was about to give up when I heard a voice.

"Jake," the voice said. "It's Alfred."

I looked up and saw Alfred's face on the screen of my phone. His eyes were black and empty. He was smiling, but it was a cruel and twisted smile.

"You can't leave me," Alfred said. "You belong to me now."

I screamed and tried to throw my phone away, but it was stuck in my hand.

"No!" I cried. "Let me go!"

Alfred laughed. "You can't leave," he said. "You're stuck with me now."

The screen went black again, and then I felt a strange sensation. It was like I was being pulled into the phone.

I tried to resist, but it was no use. I was sucked into the phone, and I found myself in a dark and twisted world.

I was standing in a forest, but it was unlike any forest I had ever seen before. The trees were gnarled and twisted, and the leaves were black and withered.

I could hear strange noises all around me, and I could feel something watching me.

Published 3 hours ago
AuthorGames 697 OFFICIAL


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